Adding variables helps to customize the Octopus email templates. When the email is sent, the system replaces the variables with the real values.

For example :

Your reference number is '''[[@Request.FullID]]'''.


Your reference number is''' 1005'''.

Adding a Variable

To add a variable in an email template, position your cursor where you want the variable to be added in the text and press F3 to bring up then selection window from which you can select the field to include in your template.

Syntax Error

If you manually edit a variable and make a mistake in the syntax, the system will not give you an error message. Having not found a corresponding value, the system will replace the variable with an empty space.

Additional Variables

There are special variables available that you cannot get with F3, because they do not correspond to the name of a field. Some are only valid in certain types of notifications, so make sure that you test them in the context they will be used to validate your results.

Name of the person who added an activity, in the context of a new activity notification.
Other recipients names receiving this email.
Hyperlink to the request on the Web Portal.
Summary of the last activity of a request.
Subject of the request linked to an activity.
Description of the request linked to an activity.
The 500 first characters of the description of the request. Valid only for the automated response with MainIntegration.
Name of the Assignee that resolved or closed the request in the context of a notification for a resolved or closed request by another assignee.
Hyperlink to close the request in the context of the resolution notification.
Hyperlink to reopen the request in the context of the resolution notification.
Hyperlink with the survey choices in the context of the resolution notification.
Hyperlink with the survey choices with pictograms in the context of the resolution notification.
Resolution activity addressed to the User in the context of the resolution notification.
Resolution activity addressed to the User in the context of the resolution notification in HTML mode.
Indication "Level 1", "Level 2" or "Breach" in the context of an SLA Escalation notification.
List of inventory numbers of the CIs of an Incident/SR.
List of the serial numbers of the CIs of an Incident/SR.
Meeting duration in the context of a notification for a meeting invitation.
Hyperlink to change the password.
Activity description.
Activity description in HTML mode.
Description of the request linked to an activity.
Complete name of the requester of an incident/SR.
Complete name of the requester of an incident/SR in the "Firstname Last name" format.
Initial approval phase approver' comments visible on the Web Portal in the context of an approval request notification.
Approver' comments visible on the Web Portal in the context of an approval request notification.
Hyperlink that automatically takes assignment of the task and brings the assignee directly into it from the Web Portal.
Hyperlink to the tasks in the Web Portal.
Hyperlink to the Web Portal.
Adds all of the activities of a request that have the '''Activity visible on the Web Portal''' activated.
Hyperlink to the item in Octopus 5.
Hyperlink to approve and approval request.
Hyperlink to refuse and approval request.
First name of known recipient.
Last name of known recipient.
Full name of known recipient.