Initial Operation

Updated date: 29 December 2021
Each Octopus user can set their own notification preferences. It is possible to modify the notifications of another Octopus user provided that you have the rights to administer Octopus. This article includes each type of notification, its description and scope.
Updated date: 17 December 2020
In Octopus there are several places where you can edit text. The most used place is in the activities of various types of requests, such as incidents and service requests. This article explains how to use the tool. 
Updated date: 23 April 2018
All types of request can be created in Octopus by an assignee (and those designated as visible for the self-service Web application may be submitted directly by the user).
Updated date: 31 October 2019
Related articles Administrator Training
Updated date: 12 July 2022
In the past, the access level of an Octopus user was determined by the selection of permissions from a list of all the permissions available. The modification of the permissions had to be done manually for each Octopus user.  From version 3.8 and beyond, we are introducing the notion of...
Updated date: 11 December 2014
Octopus helps managing major incident as described is this article.
Updated date: 28 October 2019
Related Articles User training
Updated date: 9 July 2015
Creating ad-hoc reports with Octopus can be done in a few steps. You start by extracting the data you want in your report and then you select/customize a print format.
Updated date: 25 June 2015
This page presents the Octopus musts, which contribute to facilitate your daily work. Useful Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts to make your life easier.
Updated date: 29 December 2021
This article describes the User Management Module, the information that you need to configure for a basic use of Octopus, as well as the configuration for a more complete use of Octopus.


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